Board Suggestion Thread


Vector's Sys Admin
Staff member
Nov 1, 2020
If you have any suggestions for boards to add or ways we can organize existing boards, please post them here.

I have the skeleton down but I know there are things I overlooked or which could be improved. :)
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Is there a way to turn off emoticon to emoji conversion? Ex: when I type :p (stick out tongue) it converts to an emoji, but I'd like to keep it in emoticon form. Doesn't seem like there's an option for that in the settings, dunno if I glossed over it or it isn't possible? Thanks in advance
Is there a way to turn off emoticon to emoji conversion? Ex: when I type :p (stick out tongue) it converts to an emoji, but I'd like to keep it in emoticon form. Doesn't seem like there's an option for that in the settings, dunno if I glossed over it or it isn't possible? Thanks in advance
I'll look into it and see what I can find for you.
Can we set up a guide for Japanese users who may join from Twitter? @kare_reiko would you be able to help with that? @jessiray @Aidan Uzuki Do we have support for other languages? Thank you all!

I've been trying to help new users realize we exist

okay xenofandom everyone into the Dämmerung


#ゼノサーガ #ゼノギアス #ゼノブレイド ファンサイト SNS

#xenosaga #xenogears #xenoblade #xenotober2022 #xenovember

Can we set up a guide for Japanese users who may join from Twitter? @kare_reiko would you be able to help with that? @jessiray @Aidan Uzuki Do we have support for other languages? Thank you all!

I've been trying to help new users realize we exist

Unfortunately my own Japanese skills are... Lacking. Most of the staff are English speakers with a few exceptions though the boards should accept any language you throw at it. I'm not sure if there is a basis in other languages. That's probably a more later goal for now.
Unfortunately my own Japanese skills are... Lacking. Most of the staff are English speakers with a few exceptions though the boards should accept any language you throw at it. I'm not sure if there is a basis in other languages. That's probably a more later goal for now.
Yeah, I'm hoping we can have some kind of super basic "Hey, here's how to register, we're still working on it but feel free to grab your username!" kind of post

Which I can draft if someone who's a native speaker can check it for me
Yeah, I'm hoping we can have some kind of super basic "Hey, here's how to register, we're still working on it but feel free to grab your username!" kind of post

Which I can draft if someone who's a native speaker can check it for me
Yeah I'm assuming anything with Unicode support might work on the forums I know a few niche languages but my proficiency in them isn't enough to write up the whole site.
Can we set up a guide for Japanese users who may join from Twitter? @kare_reiko would you be able to help with that? @jessiray @Aidan Uzuki Do we have support for other languages? Thank you all!

I've been trying to help new users realize we exist

Oh wow! Thanks so much for the signal boost.

So I think Xenforo is in multiple languages. Our soft-rule until now has been to try to use English here as we don't really have the ability to moderate posts in other languages, however; with Twitter going down and the fandom losing a major hub for content we might have to accommodate.

I'd be open to making sub sections of the board for other languages if we had the ability to moderate them. Honestly it would be good to get French and Chinese support eventually in addition to Japanese as well since the games seem uniquely popular and have their own fandoms in those places (despite never getting a wide release).

I'm gonna look into this.
Oh wow! Thanks so much for the signal boost.

So I think Xenforo is in multiple languages. Our soft-rule until now has been to try to use English here as we don't really have the ability to moderate posts in other languages, however; with Twitter going down and the fandom losing a major hub for content we might have to accommodate.

I'd be open to making sub sections of the board for other languages if we had the ability to moderate them. Honestly it would be good to get French and Chinese support eventually in addition to Japanese as well since the games seem uniquely popular and have their own fandoms in those places (despite never getting a wide release).

I'm gonna look into this.
Thank you!!
Well, I can only understand from hearing Japanese, I never wrote anything serious in this lanuage, even my translatin works are mostly: I know some grammar + I help myself with google+ dictionary + I understand a lot of sentences after watching/playing japanese games/anime for past 18 years :D, I'm translating some stuff because no one else wants to do that more professionally XD. So I'm not best person for that quest.
Well, I can only understand from hearing Japanese, I never wrote anything serious in this lanuage, even my translatin works are mostly: I know some grammar + I help myself with google+ dictionary + I understand a lot of sentences after watching/playing japanese games/anime for past 18 years :D, I'm translating some stuff because no one else wants to do that more professionally XD. So I'm not best person for that quest.
This whole time I'd assumed you were a native speaker, so you're doing something right!
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For now, I have added this:

This should make the board available in most languages to most people.
Great idea, thank you!! Obviously it won't be perfect but it's way better than nothing and should be able to help people get set up with an account etc if they'd like to. If you'd like, I'd be glad to write a post to the effect of "Hey there, we're not native speakers but you're welcome to join and we'll all try our best"
Great idea, thank you!! Obviously it won't be perfect but it's way better than nothing and should be able to help people get set up with an account etc if they'd like to. If you'd like, I'd be glad to write a post to the effect of "Hey there, we're not native speakers but you're welcome to join and we'll all try our best"
Go for it! I encourage anyone who feels like it to promote the site to fans globally.

Thank you so much!
How's this? I can make a thread somewhere (let me know where's best) and we can pin it. This is through DeepL with some slight cleanup. I can do Spanish as well. If our other users want to contribute Chinese, French, and others we can include those too.

ETA: I'll keep tweaking this based on admin suggestions for verbiage/best practices/etc. I'm fairly confident in the Japanese and Spanish translations but also welcome feedback/corrections/help with nuance. I'll add Chinese and French tentatively through DeepL in hopes that our members who speak these languages can help make corrections (if they'd like to).

We can figure out a slimmed down version of the rules, too, to cover the highlights, and explain that our preference for English is so we can moderate fairly, if that's what our admins prefer.

Welcome, everyone! This online forum is for fans of Xenoseries (Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Xenoblade).

Most of the members are native English speakers. However, there are members here who speak Chinese and French natively, and others who are learning Japanese and Spanish.

We welcome Xenofans from all over the world! We would be happy to have you here. We will do our best to make this forum an enjoyable place for everyone.

The rules are here:

Thank you for visiting us!
Japanese/日本語 (via DeepL; I can read this pretty well)
皆さん、ようこそ! このオンラインフォーラムはゼノシリーズ(ゼノギアス, ゼノサーガ, ゼノブレイド)のファンのためのものです。




Spanish/Español (via DeepL; I can read this very well)
¡Bienvenidos todos! Este foro online es para los fans de las Xenoseries (Xenogears, Xenosaga y Xenoblade).

La mayoría de los miembros son hablantes nativos de inglés. Sin embargo, hay miembros que hablan chino y francés de forma nativa, y otros que están aprendiendo japonés y español.

¡Damos la bienvenida a Xenofans de todo el mundo! Estaremos encantados de tenerte aquí. Haremos todo lo posible para que este foro sea un lugar agradable para todos.

Las reglas están aquí:

¡Gracias por visitarnos!
Chinese (Simplified)/中文简化字 (via DeepL, I cannot read this to confirm; used Wikipedia to add game titles, not sure how to translate "Xenofans"; would @tomxie be able to confirm?)
欢迎大家! 这个在线论坛是为异度系列/异域系列(异度装甲/異域神兵、异度传说/異域傳說和异度神剑)的粉丝设立的。


我们欢迎来自世界各地的异度粉丝! 我们很高兴您能来这里。我们将尽最大努力使这个论坛成为每个人都能享受的地方。


French/Français (via DeepL; I can mostly read this, but would @Valkyrie be able to confirm?)
Bienvenue à tous ! Ce forum en ligne est destiné aux fans de Xenoseries (Xenogears, Xenosaga et Xenoblade).

La plupart des membres sont de langue maternelle anglaise. Cependant, il y a des membres ici qui parlent chinois et français nativement, et d'autres qui apprennent le japonais et l'espagnol.

Nous accueillons les Xenofans du monde entier ! Nous serions heureux de vous accueillir ici. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour faire de ce forum un endroit agréable pour tous.

Les règles sont ici :

Merci de nous rendre visite !
Polish/Polski (via DeepL; I can vaguely read it, would @kare_reiko mind confirming?)
Witam wszystkich! To forum internetowe jest przeznaczone dla fanów Xenoseries (Xenogears, Xenosaga i Xenoblade).

Większość użytkowników posługuje się językiem angielskim. Są tu jednak członkowie, którzy mówią po chińsku i francusku, a także tacy, którzy uczą się japońskiego i hiszpańskiego.

Witamy Xenofanów z całego świata! Będziemy szczęśliwi mogąc Cię tu gościć. Zrobimy co w naszej mocy, aby to forum było przyjemnym miejscem dla każdego.

Zasady są tutaj:

Dziękujemy za odwiedzenie nas!
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Nah, I'm Polish and both English and Japanese are just languages I know a little XD, so it's always a little harder to translate from one language you "somehow understand" to one that you know well but not perfect. But once I love something I try to know all possible from it's canon and if I'm crazy enough for it, then do something to show others that parts of the canon and story.